
The fast paced comedy ‘Law and Orders’ (I wrote in a few hours) will be performed at the Tom Mann Theatre in Surry Hills, Sydney, in the next couple of weeks (At the time of writing, NSW, Australia, is under a two week lockdown in parts of Greater Sydney, so anything can happen and the show may not go on, yet again.

It happened last year in June 2020, where another of my plays ‘I’m fine’ got into the Top 100 but the festival had to be postponed due to Covid-19. For the record, nothing will stop me from writing. Even if my scripts never see the light of day, I write because I love it, because I want to express something to the world and because I want to entertain an audience, so I’ll keep adding scripts to my list. I have literally lost count of how may I’ve written and how many have been produced

‘Law and Orders’ stars Maite Arriaga-Carvell and Amelia Tranter, both excellent Sydney Actors whom I’ve worked with before. I can’t wait to start our Zoom rehearsals and hope that the lockdown will only last two weeks and the festival goes ahead as planned.


It’s not whether you win or lose is absolutely true and that’s the title of my latest script being produced as part of the 10 Minute Play Festival in Illinois, USA in August 2021

I’m very excited to have my work performed outside of Australia again. Those who are in the area, can catch the show on:

August 13th and 14 at 7pm. Drop me a line if you see it. I’d love to hear your feedback


It’s been several years since I updated my website. I have some great excuses. Not that things haven’t been happening creatively (well, due to COVID-19 a few productions were postponed or called off) But back in 2019, I unfortunately fell and cobblestones in Rome (I guess if I had to break a major bone, my birth city was the place to do it in ) I ended up having a left total hip replacement, a longer stay in Italy and shortly after rehabilitation started and I was back in Australia, Covid-19 hit so that put everything on hold.
I was not in a good place, physically or mentally :( which explained my very dark writing of the script ‘I’m Fine’ in 2019.
I’m back now, still with residual pain in my leg/hip area, but I’m hoping with more time, it will start to feel normal again.
I’ll maintain my website regularly and continue to create/write/inspire and nurture well into the future.



by DonatellaParise

I’m so fortunately to have such amazing and talented students attend my studio. I’ve been teaching there since 2012 and it’s a safe place to nurture creativity and expression. Covid-19 has caused a few disruptions, not only to me, but to all of humanity and I hope this will be over soon. My classes are a mix of writing scripts, reading scripts, improvisation, games, leading, learning to take turns, thinking outside the square and quick thinking (this is just a small list of what we do) We’ve created stop motion animation films, I’ve held three film festivals for my students, I have written three short films, one of which was titled ‘Amelia’ which won an award in USA. If you’d like to enrol your child in one of my classes or would like some more information, don’t hesitate to contact me.